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Final Results:

Small Boat

1st Jamie Marshall

2nd Sidney Hughes

3rd Danny Haddaway

Medium Boats

1st Jake Jacobsvwvegwwvwvw

2nd Thomas Eskr

Final Results:

Small Boat

1st Jamie Marshall

2nd Sidney Hughes

3rd Danny Haddaway

Medium Boats

1st Jake Jacobs

2nd Thomas Eskridge

3rd Kenny Heath

Large Boats

1st John Ashton

2nd Caden Jones

3rd Donnie Porter


Small Boat

1st Jake Jacobs

2nd Sidney Hughes

3rd Jamie Marshall

Large Boat

1st Kenny Heath

2nd Jonathon Callahan

3rd Thomas Eskridge

Scholarship Run Winner

John Ashton


3rd Kenny Heath

Large Boats

1st John Ashton

2nd Caden Jones

3rd Donnie Porter


Small Boat

1st Jake Jacobs

2nd Sidney Hughes

3rd Jamie Marshall

Large Boat

1st Kenny Heath

2nd Jonathon Callahan

3rd Thomas Eskridge

Scholarship Run Winner

John Ashton

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